Porter (Guinness) Cake

This is a very easy cake to make, as it is boiled first.

What you need :-

250g S.R. Flour

375g Mixed Fruit

125g Marj. or Butter

125g Sugar

1 Bottle Guinness (330ml). If you have to use a bigger bottle or can, I have no suggestion as to what to do with the surplus.

1 Egg

Also – 8” tin, greaseproof paper, sieve, pan.

Mix the beer, sugar, marj. and fruit in a pan

Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 mins.

Allow to cool (at least 30 mins.)

Beat the egg and add to the mixture

Sieve the flour and add – mix it all up.

Line the tin with paper, bake for 3 hours at 275F, 140C, gas 1 ½ to 2

Keeps for several months and actually improves with age.

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